
Where It Started

Jurni started as a simple sketch. A child astronaut floating in space on a desperate mission. Jurni was this astronaut, and she was searching for her mom.

Jurni tells the story of a little girl who suddenly loses her mother and how she deals with grief and loss.

This illustrated book tackles one of the most difficult and painful experiences in life; how to cope with death as a child.

What We Do

This story exists to help families have meaningful conversations about grief and loss; so that no matter what happens tomorrow they know how to help each other.

We know everyone deals with loss in a different way. So, along with the book, we created other resources like activity pages, a reading guide, and music. Each piece aims to help kids, parents, and caregivers do one thing; have healthy, positive conversations about grief.

What's the Need?

Young children experiencing grief for the first time face a unique set of challenges, and the Covid-19 pandemic has only increased the number of kids coping with the loss of a friend or loved one.

For parents and caretakers experiencing the same feelings, they can feel helpless processing their sadness while trying to help their children grieve.

One of the most effective ways to connect during these difficult times is reading together. In Jurni, a little girl and her father have lost the most important person in their lives; how they move through grief together shows young readers that it’s okay to share feelings and questions with a trusted adult—and may open the door for them to do so.

Where to Find the Book?

You can find Jurni at these major retailers:

You can find Jurni locally at these locations: